Become a Benevolent Cruisers Foundation Spoke Owner

Taking inspiration from the Navy's concept of a "Plank Owner" which is a sailor assigned to a newly commissioned ship, the Benevolent Cruisers Foundation is looking for "Spoke Owners" to help support our newly commissioned organization!

Born of a desire to help motorcycle organizations navigate the increasingly difficult road of tax deductions in supporting their beloved charities, we're well aware of the importance those spokes play in the overall scheme of things. While the Benevolent Cruisers Association supports any organization wishing to work to support charitable causes, our roots have two wheels, and those have spokes!

Thus, our initial supporters will be Spoke Owners, and will be part of an exclusive group that can claim to have been there at the start. We are limiting the maximum number of Spoke Owners to 250 and supporters have the option to become a Spoke Owner as long as spots are remaining. Once the ranks of Spoke Owners has been filled, there will be no others.

Supporters may become Spoke Owners with at least a minimum tax deductible donation of $100. In return, Spoke Owners will receive a special recognition certificate, limited edition Spoke Owner patch or pin, recognition on the website, lifetime subscription to the Foundation's quarterly newsletter and a lifetime discount of at least 15% on any event supported by the Foundation.

The support of prospective Spoke Owners like you will help support the Benevolent Cruisers Foundation by providing support for the organization's operating expenses. In doing so, you'll help us minimize or eliminate entirely any fees for the services we're providing. Charges for the services we provide are reviewed quarterly and determined by the support we receive.

Be sure to check out our cherished Benevolent Cruisers Foundation Spoke Owners

Will you be one of the spokes that stabilizes the wheels of our organization? You can make your donation and become a Spoke Owner here:

Donations of any amount are welcome, but the minimum donation for the Spoke Owner program is $100. We thank you for your support! Your personal information will be collected as part of the checkout process. Not quite ready to commit to being a Spoke Owner, but still want to help? Check out our Direct Donation Page for donations of smaller amounts.

The Benevolent Cruisers Foundation uses Paypal for its online payment processing.

If you do not have or do not want to use a Paypal account, look for the "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" button on the next screen:

Other ways to donate to the Benevolent Cruisers Foundation

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